鼻整形术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市
实现对称 & Balance With A Surgical 鼻整形术
在外部, 鼻整形术 平衡面部对称性. 你的鼻子会有一个更相称的大小和形状来匹配你的自然面部结构. 然而,更重要的是这个过程的内在情绪影响. The nose is the focal point of the face, so you may feel that size and/or crookedness are distractions. 隆鼻手术之后, you won’t have to worry about the appearance of your nose; instead, you can focus on showcasing your inner beauty.
This Procedure Is More Than Just A “Nose Job”
Patients commonly want their noses to be a little more straight, 平, 薄, small, 窄的或成比例的. 鼻整形术可以重塑鼻子的轮廓、轮廓、大小、比例和整体外观. 在这个鼻子手术中, 外科医生可以增加或减少组织,并使用缝合线来达到这些预期的效果. 许多人对一系列如此微小的改变能带来如此显著的改善感到震惊.
At the caring hands of expert surgeon Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert,你的隆鼻手术会让你的鼻子变得漂亮,使你的整体形象更加完美. 她以创造与脸部其他部分“融为一体”的自然效果而闻名. Dr. Sieffert与您一起创建一个矫正计划,该计划还将修复鼻子内部的任何结构性问题,同时优先考虑美学平衡.
We do not accept insurance for cosmetic 鼻整形术. We also do not perform 鼻整形术 revisions.
鼻整形术 may be a great option if you want to make cosmetic changes, structural fixes or a combination of both to the nose. 全面的, candidates for 鼻整形术 are in general good health, 是否已完成身体发育,并已建立精神/情感成熟. There is no upper age if you are in overall good health.
鼻整形术 Changes Lives For The Better Every Day
It is essential to know that the human body will never be 100% symmetrical; this also may look unnatural. 理想的鼻整形候选人对他们的结果有现实的期望. Dr. 在制定计划时,Sieffert将考虑您的目标和个人解剖结构. You will also view before-and-after photos of similar patients, so you have a realistic expectation of your future results.
如果你有某些健康问题,你可能不适合做鼻整形手术. Dr. Sieffert将在您咨询期间检查您的病史,以确定是否需要进一步研究或转诊. You may need to stop taking certain medications before surgery as well.
The cost of this procedure is dependent on 你的目标 and needs. The total average cost of a 鼻整形术 in Columbus, 俄亥俄州的价格从7美元起,000-$11,000 depending on the kind of procedure. This total consists of all aspects of the surgery, 包括麻醉费用, 手术费, 手术后的护理, 等.
一旦博士. 西弗特了解您的目标,并与您一起决定正确的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方案, 她的手术协调员将为您提供准确的报价,并与您讨论我们的融资方案.
- Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
- What can I do to help get the best results?
- Where and how will you perform my procedure?
- How long of a recovery period can I expect?
- What are the risks and complications associated with 鼻整形术?
- How are complications handled?
- Are financing options available?
你应该问问医生。. 对你目前的健康状况或药物有任何疑问, 你的目标, 你的期望, 行动计划, the pre-operative preparations, 手术后的管理, 你的恢复, 以及可能的并发症. Feel free to ask questions about the surgeon’s experience, 培训和证书, as well as specifics about the surgical center, the anesthesia staff and the nursing team.
所有的手术都有风险,但与鼻整形术相关的风险通常是轻微的. The most common risk is nasal swelling, which can block your nasal passages and make your nose feel stuffed up. Swelling generally goes down wi薄 the first week or two, but it is not uncommon for swelling to persist. Make sure to address any concerns you have with Dr. 手术前的西弗特.
一定要问一下医生. 仔细考虑可能的结果,这样你在做任何决定之前就确切地知道会发生什么. 这将确保你和你的外科医生在你想要做什么和可以做什么的问题上达成一致. Dr. Sieffert和我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台护理团队将在手术前与您讨论所有风险.
To achieve their goal of an enhanced aesthetic, balanced look and overall greater confidence, 许多患者将以下澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法与鼻整形手术结合起来:
虽然没有手术是无痛的,但从鼻整形术中恢复相对容易. Pain and headaches tend to resolve after the first few days, Dr. Sieffert will prescribe pain medication to help ease the symptoms. 休息,抬起头,冰敷,还有一些顺势疗法,比如山金车凝胶,都有助于恢复.
瘀伤是正常的 & 可以预期
You may have noticeable swelling and bruising, 包括眼睛下面和上脸颊上的瘀伤如果鼻骨在手术中被操纵的话. 大多数肿胀和瘀伤在一到两周内逐渐消退, but it may take longer for the micro-swelling to go down. Dr. 西弗特将在手术前提出进一步的建议,以帮助澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网术后瘀伤.
Introduction To Normal Life Will Be Gradual, But Manageable
Everyone is different, recovery time will depend on your body. 然而,大多数患者在恢复正常活动之前需要大约一周的时间. 你的夹板或石膏将保持一个星期,这取决于你的鼻子愈合情况. 许多人在几天后就觉得可以去上班了,但他们更愿意等到瘀伤和变色消退.
You will have activity restrictions, including lifting and exercising, 在手术后的第一个月,它会定期被解除.
Swelling will mask your final results for some time. 大部分的肿胀会在最初几周内自行消失, but it can take up to a month. 最后的结果, 然而, 直到一整年过去并且基础解剖结构已经适应手术改变才确定.
是的! 根据RealSelf.网站上的隆鼻手术有超过2万条评论,“物有所值”的评分达到91%. 你会发现手术是非常有益的特别是如果你已经考虑了很长时间. Although it takes some time to see your final results, the everlasting positive effects on your confidence are worth it!
Schedule Your 第一个 Consultation With Us
俄亥俄州哥伦布市的隆鼻手术是一项真正改变人生的美容手术. Dr. Sieffert specializes in striking a beautiful facial balance, which will bolster your confidence and highlight your other features. 我们邀请您今天与我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,安排您的初步咨询,并讨论隆鼻手术是否适合您!
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The Emotional Impact of The 妈妈改造
而妈咪整容手术通常与审美改善有关, 它对母亲的功能和情感的好处同样重要.
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Can I Have Surgery If I’m Sick?
Not feeling well, but have a surgical date scheduled? 我们强调的症状可能会导致你的手术被重新安排,直到你完全恢复体力.
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